Studying Amazon.com, helped us learn and understand key MIS terms such as marketing mix, hardware, software, and databases and data warehouses, also how amazon through intelligent strategy is the worlds most successful online retailer.
- Files that may be used throughout Amazon’s databases are Client related (location, name, purchases), and Products (preferred, most researched), and Shipping (trucks being used, how much time is taken to ship and arrive). There are several choices for choosing a database management system. Databases used by Amazon would most likely include Product (what sells more, what sells less, what is most popular), Advertising (figures relating to money spent while advertising), Customer (Who pays on time or late, where they live, how many purchases have been made, so on), and Supplier (where are they getting their goods, for how much). There’s Microsoft’s Excel, Oracle’s Database and so on. Smaller businesses typically choose Microsoft due to its simplicity and ease of use. However larger corporations such as Amazon would use Oracle.
-The CPO (chief privacy officer), CSO (chief security officer), CIO (chief informational officer), and the CTO (chief technology officer) are commonly responsible for business intelligence utilized by managing information through the IT department in creating databases. Database administrators get there reports by their DBMS. Queries would be generated to manipulate the data. The reports consist of and information gained or passed within Amazon's IT department. Daily figures as well as annual figures may rapidly be updated with ease.
- OLAP is used in Amazons Company, by the way of how they gather all their information together by getting it from other companies in the way to make certain decisions on things. A data ware house is used because it creates many different things for the customers to see. Agents can view products given to a customer that purchased a certain item and determine the cross-selling opportunities and what marketing campaigns a customer is likely to respond to. In Amazon it is used by seeing what the customers purchased and see what kind of items that certain customer likes to buy. They use data marts for certain departments in their company. It is easier to use then data warehouses because it takes smaller information within a small department, then everything in a warehouse.
-In Amazon all the data mining tools talked about in the book are used. They are Query-and-reporting tools, intelligent tools, multidimensional analysis tools, and statistical tools. All of these are used in the right format that fits our company. They are important tools, which help our company out in the ways provided. Anyone could be responsible for this because you don’t need an IT person to figure this stuff out. You can use a spreadsheet tool, such as Microsoft excels to figure this out. You can use Microsoft excel to create three-dimensional cubes and build graphs and turn data into charts.
types of hardware sold by Amazon are keyboards, mouse’s, printers, flash memory drives, cameras, cell phones, gaming devices. The brands of computers that are sold are Acer, Apple, Asus, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Toshiba, V-smile. The types of computers are desktops and laptops.
- The person responsible for the hardware and software are in the info tech staff.
- Types of system software that is being sold are used for operating systems, and also we sell antivirus, example Norton. Yes, we do sell Linux on Amazon.
- Application software that is sold is Microsoft packages, that include word, PowerPoint and excel and a lot more. Turbo tax is another example of a application software.
-The type of network that Amazon uses is a WAN, which is known as a wide area network, which is a set of connected networks serving buildings and several offices that are not in close proximity with eachother.
-The type of interface that Amazon uses is an ethernet card, which is the most common type of interface
-The type of media that Amazon uses is wireless communications media, which transmits information through the air, such as through infrared, microwave, and satelite. Its not really clear what type of communications software that Amazon uses.
-Amazon uses Hubs and switches to connect their devices together into sub networks. Then they have a Router that connects all the sub networks together.
-Yes, they do use Voice over IP. It allows them to talk to their customers free of charge
-They apply all four of the network security in their terms of conduct. They make sure that all four; Confidentiality, Authenticity, Integrity and Availability are all used fairly to the customer. If something goes wrong they know they are liable for it.
-The domain Name is : http://www.amazon.com/